“Beauty awakens the soul to act”

—- Dante Alighieri

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Our Actions

The idea of FEDE was inspired by the ocean. Right now, our oceans are filling up with plastic. Plastic has properties that are necessary to make useful everyday things that we all rely on. But that plastic degrades into smaller and smaller pieces of microplastics. If nothing changes, by 2050 there will be more plastic waste in our oceans than fish.

To save our oceans we need sustainable solutions and fresh alternatives that work.

At FEDE we want to be part of that inspiration. Our packaging is a specially designed microplastic-free material called Sulapac. Created by female scientists in Finland, it can be used, and lasts, just like a plastic container but it is 100% compostable and made from sustainable materials.

We are moved by this elegance and care of this solution, it was important for us to use it and most of all to share it. We hope you find it beautiful and useful as we all venture to take action to protect what we care about the most.